How Can I Sell My Airsoft Gun

How Can I Sell My Airsoft Gun

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Whether you are looking to downsize your collection or selling off a gun to aid pay for a different one, there will come up a fourth dimension when you want to detect a nice place to sell your used airsoft gun.

Multiple factors come into play when selling used airsoft guns. Rarity, condition, upgrades, and how fast you're looking to sell volition impact the cost you should be aiming for, but at that place's one thing left to figure out: Where is the best place to sell used airsoft guns?

Online, you can sell used airsoft guns on eBay, the HopUp app, and forums such equally AirsoftSociety, AmpedAirsoftMarket, and Reddit'southward AirsoftMarket. You as well take in-person options such equally Craigslist, second-hand stores, and swap meets.

Now that you have some ideas for where you lot can sell your used airsoft guns, allow's go a flake further into what they offer and some full general guidelines for getting those items sold!

Factors that Come into Play When Selling Used Airsoft Guns

Since you are hoping to sell your used airsoft gun, it will be helpful to know some things that will help y'all value it. Condition, rarity, upgrades, and how fast you want to sell it are factors that we'll hash out to help get you ready to sell!

The gun'due south status is the starting time and biggest indicator of what people would be willing to pay for your gun. When yous sell an airsoft weapon that is non working, it volition yield a much lower price than a fully-performance i. No ane is going to want to pay total price for something that can't shoot!

More often than not, guns that are sold as non-functioning or "for parts" sell up to twoscore% of their standard retail value. When you are missing certain items, such as grips, stocks, or handguards, try to cistron the cost of replacing the missing part into your price.

If your airsoft gun has everything and yet it mysteriously is not working, just be honest with potential buyers. They may be willing to find the source of the trouble and gear up information technology since they are ownership it at a lower price.

Since second-hand airsoft weapons are ordinarily sold equally functional, the status of different parts are what unremarkably varies. If your weapon is functional and includes all externals, you only have to worry most cosmetic damage.

Generally, most people sell second-hand airsoft guns at 50%-70% of their retail value. If there are small, broken pieces or rust, be prepared to sell on the lower end of that range. If y'all choose to sell online, try to capture any pocket-sized cosmetic issues. Although few airsofters have issues with a few scratches, it is better to play it on the safe side and let people to see what exactly they are buying!

Rarity can have a skilful impact on how much yous tin become for an airsoft gun. Not all guns that are now-discontinued are considered rare enough to justify a college resale cost. Some collectibles, like Asahi, MGC, or STAR, can agree their value quite well.

Some limited-edition rifles, like the Ares WA2000, currently sell twice the price than when the burglarize was originally sold. If you are unsure if your airsoft gun is rare, attempt finding some by examples of players selling it.

Upgrades volition help boost the value of your airsoft gun. Still, upgraded components follow the same depreciation that the airsoft gun itself follows. Buyers tin often be wary of upgrades installed past strangers as there's no guarantee the work was performed correctly.

With these guns being sold online, the buyer cannot test them. Non being able to test them means at that place is oftentimes hesitation for buyers to pay college prices for the added piece of work. If you take a $300 rifle with $150 in upgrades, you can look to run across it sell for $270 - $340.

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Places to Sell Used Airsoft Guns

Now that you know some aspects that touch on your gun'due south pricing let us go into the places yous can sell them. Each method has its pros and cons, besides as the level of familiarity you may have.


eBay is an extremely popular website for buying and selling. Plenty of people already take an account, which helps with reaching countless potential buyers. eBay is one of the costlier options as it has higher fees, simply information technology provides a lot of protection for both buyers and sellers.

Since eBay'southward fees can change, exist sure to look into the advisable category lists for seller fees. These fees should be taken into consideration, forth with shipping costs. Someone may be willing to spend $250 on what yous have, simply that is their total price, which means you will receive $250 minus shipping and fees.

Knowing this, you will have to adapt the price, balancing between a price you're comfortable with and a cost that will sell.


Another online method some use for listing airsoft related items online are customs forums. These include a few places like Reddit'south AirsoftMarket, AmpedAirsoftMarket, and AirsoftSociety. These places are just a few options that not just provide a platform, but some level of guidance to help users buy and sell.

These may exist slightly more difficult to navigate, and the rules may vary depending on the site. These customs forums may achieve a smaller audience, simply it is definitely a good target demographic. These places volition ordinarily rely on some 3rd party for payment, such as PayPal.

The fees for these sites are lower than eBay. PayPal, for instance, currently uses a 3% fee for Goods and Services. This reduced fee means you can keep your items at a price that sells fast but lets yous proceed a tad fleck more.

About of these places offer buying and selling advice, helping those who may non be too experienced. They normally instill rules to protect buyers and sellers from scams or other bug. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these rules and guidelines!


An alternative for online selling is the app fabricated specifically for Airsoft: HopUp. This app acts equally a cross between forums and eBay. Information technology allows posts for those wanting to purchase or sell and gives sellers the option to go on it local, apply a 3rd party for payment, or using their own organisation.

Similar eBay, their payment organisation provides a convenient layer of protection merely at the price of a higher fee. Merely like forums, make sure to take every step you tin to protect yourself from scams.

If you choose to go with a third party, be certain to use something trusted like PayPal's Goods and Services to add a layer of protection.


Finally, there's the option to sell locally. Craigslist can be used to help accomplish a greater audition in your metropolis. If you have any airsoft stores or even second-paw stores, you can take your airsoft gun to come across how much they will offer you.

Taking it to i of these stores that will resale may yield fifty-fifty lower prices because the store needs to sell it for profit while likewise existence at an appealing price. A few options that can often be overlooked are a local swap meet and the local fields.

These places are slap-up ways to find potential buyers and let them to make certain the airsoft gun they're buying works as described. Merely remember to e'er properly store your airsoft gun when taking them to these public places!

In Conclusion

At present that yous are familiar with what impacts airsoft guns' value and where to sell them, you are all set to sell! If yous sell online, brand sure you lot have good pictures and take steps to protect yourself from scams.

Regardless of where you sell, exist honest, and take a good time!

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How Can I Sell My Airsoft Gun

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